I discussed with my classes that I value, Safety, Respect, Responsibility, Creativity and Hard work. But that I also value them and I want them to have a say in the rules in my classroom. We did a chalk talk to express our ideas and then I wrote them down.
Here's our classroom rules from Fall 2015 and Winter 2016
If a student does break these rules, he may find the following are the consequences. I will determine each consequence at the time of the incident. I will be fair but not always the same. As we know students don't learn the same way when taking in classroom information, they also don't learn rules the same way. Some consequences may work perfectly for one student but not for another.
Here are some examples of possible consequences:
- Clean up duty (students will come at lunch to clean up)
- Stay after class 5 mins
- Lunch detention in detention room
- Lunch detention with Mrs. Tillman
- Stay after school to work on missing work
- Roll play correct behavior
- Write an apology note
- Explain in a short written paragraph the reason why we have the rule
- Conference with the asst. principal &/or principal
- After school detention
- Refocus ticket
Wow! Great accountability!